ICAP Advocate Reports The Aftermath of Vaccine Injury

This weekend a news story broke about another win for a family with a three year old little girl, who became brain damaged after the MMR. Julia a USA citizen from Colorado won a substantial financial award in a US Federal Court after her family proved her brain damage was caused after she had the MMR vaccine.
Julie suffered from ENCEPHALITIS after the MMR vaccine and as she had not been formerly diagnosed with any ‘Autism’ this word could not used in her case. Another case Bailey Banks also did not have the word Autism mentioned in his case and also won compensation.
Julia’s mother has confirmed that whilst her neurologist suspected that Julia may have Autism, Julia has never been formerly diagnosed.
“I do not want this to be misunderstood. She was never formally diagnosed. Do I think that there is a link between vaccines and Autism, absolutely. Is Julia Autistic? I´m not sure.”
Is this going to be the way forward? Are cases only going to be won, if a family do not have the word Autism or agree not to have the word Autism being mentioned in their case? Since 1988 it has been revealed by CBS News that 1322 families have received compensation for children who have brain damage through vaccines. In the UK in 1974 a Rosemary Fox fought the Governments for many years to have a vaccine compensation scheme in place. She set up an organization called the ‘Association for Parents of Vaccine Damaged Children’. She fought for many years and still does today, for the rights of all vaccine damaged children to compensation for their disabilities. She set the organization up after her own daughter Helen became vaccine damaged after she received the DPT. She took her complaints all the way to the ECHR
“We had worked hard up to then. Not only to try to protect children who were going through the vaccination process at the time unaware of possible risk but also to raise the issue of our own damaged children, to establish their rights and improve their provision. We had some success in 1979, five years after we started, when, prompted by the report of the Royal Commission, parliament passed the Vaccine Damage Payment Act to pay £10,000 to children found ‘on the balance of probabilities´ to be vaccine damaged. We regarded it as a start but considering the extent of the injuries inflicted we did not consider it to be equitable and we were determined to continue the campaign with the help of all the members of parliament who had supported us since 1974 when Jack Ashley MP, now Lord Ashley of Stoke, first debated the issue.”
Sadly the financial payments have not risen very much even with inflation and many families still receive a inadequate £10,000 compensation reward. That is of course if they win their case at all. In June 2000 it was revealed that out of 4000 claims since 1979, only 890 received any money.
Alistair Darling the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer had this to say:-
“Nothing can make up for what has happened to these children, but we have a clear duty to support them and their families.”
Oh really? So how comes he is saying this only 9 years later in an article entitled Britain pledges $485 Million to global vaccine project :-
“The UK is pleased to support this initiative … which should ensure a sustainable and affordable supply of vaccines well into the future,”
The problem I have with this is that Britain is in huge financial crisis at the moment. Many of our shops and businesses are closing, there are literally thousands of people losing their homes many more children and elderly live in poverty with little food or heat. Our hospitals are filthy and in desperate need of repair and yet Mr Darling is quite happy to spend a small fortune on a global vaccine project in the full knowledge of just how dangerous many vaccines can be and the brain damage that they can cause.
The article states very clearly…
“LECCE, Italy (Reuters) – Britain will invest almost $500 million in an international scheme to encourage pharmaceutical firms to develop vaccines against some of the common diseases which plague poorer nations.”
and carries on to state —
“Britain, Italy, Canada, Russia, Norway and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are investing a total of $1.5 billion in the project, which is being run by the World Bank, UNICEF, the World Health Organization and the international vaccine agency GAVI alliance.”
Christine English is UK journalist studying for an HND in journalism. I have an interest in Human Right issues, especially the rights of the disabled and the elderly. Currently she is exploring vaccines and the adverse reactions that they can and do cause, particularly Autism, ADHD and other neurological and physical disorders. Christine believes that all parents have the right to the information often hidden by the pharmaceutical industries about what vaccines contain and their often devastating side effects. It’s only when a parent has the full facts that they can make a fully informed choice as to whether to have their child vaccinated or not. Parents also need to know that there are other choices open to them like single vaccines, mercury free vaccines, homeopathic vaccines and diets to boost the immune system to promote good healthy living.
Our children must not become human pin cushions or profit making machines , they are precious and they are ours..It seems odd that in this current recession the drug companies grow richer as our children become sicker.
Christine England is an Advocate with the non-profit organization International Coalition of Advocates for the People. ICAP is addressing issues that involve the health and well being of every young girl and young women in the world. This is in regards to the HPV vaccines. With international collaboration we brought together information about these two vaccines and distributed a detailed paper to the 13 scientists that advise the EU but to other concerned parties such as the Minister of Health for Germany.