Teenagers are being coerced into having the HPV vaccines
American Chronicle
Christina England
June 2, 2009

Most teenagers especially young teenage girls like to look good and have the latest accessories, it is a fact and one that is being taken full advantage of by certain health authorities to meet vaccination targets. Free beauty treatments and free IPODS and other goodies in prize draws are being offered to young girls if they have the HPV vaccines. However, is it morally correct to coerce youngsters into conforming?
At present the HPV vaccination programme is being questioned by many Governments as to it’s safety and some countries have even withdrawn from the programme altogether.
Singapore have held back, from giving young girls the HPV vaccine. Dr Balaji Sadasivan, their Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and former Health Minister said :-
“We do not know if the vaccine will confer long-term immunity or would immunity wane after some years,” he said. “We do not know if other types of HPV will become dominant after we contain the current strains of HPV.
Since HPV is a common virus spread through sexual contact, he also said a mass vaccination programme could send a message that teenage sex was condoned.”
In New Zealand the HPV vaccination has been refused by many schools with New Zealand’s Ministry of Health saying that 78 schools – five per cent of the total – had chosen not to take part in the programme.
Spain recalled a batch of Gardasil after girls became sick and Ireland also closed ranks and for various reasons decided not to vaccinate it’s youngsters with the HPV vaccine.
With Germany rethinking and Scotland and the UK also being urged to look into the vaccine very carefully, it is very worrying indeed to know that some of our girls are being encouraged to have this controversial vaccine, by being offered incentives.
Diane Harper who worked in the vaccine trials for both Cervarix and Gardasil seems to indicate that these vaccinations are experimental, saying in one report the following about Gardasil:- “Another gray area is the duration. It appears to remain effective for at least five years, but we have no idea how long it will last in the real world. And that could mean that girls vaccinated at 11 or 12 actually lose protection when they’ll need it most – but it’s impossible to know that until after large numbers of vaccinated girls contract the virus” and in another interview she described the cervical cancer vaccination scheme in Scotland as an ‘experiment’.
In a report in Fiji they also indicate that the Gardasil vaccine is experimental and ask if their youngsters were being used as ‘Guinea Pigs’.
In an email from a father in Canada today, I received a link to a letter that he had written to the ‘Regional Immunization Leader’. In this letter he had asked very clearly if his children were being asked to be ‘lab rats’, after they had received marketing material on Gardasil from their school. He gave evidence showing that Gardasil was still in the ‘experimental stages’ and how despite this thousands of children had been vaccinated with Gardasil many of them now showing signs of serious adverse reactions.
With this many countries opposed and worried about using these vaccines and with children dying and falling seriously ill worldwide, is it not time to ask ourselves if this is, all one big experiment and if it is, then why are our children and parents not being asked to sign for their agreed participation? Do we want our children to be used as ‘lab rats’ after all look what happens to them?